Fuck this Shit (Rend the Heavens)

In response to the events of the past year, Lutheran pastors Tuhina Verma Rasche and Jason Chesnut created an Advent devotional called “Fuck This Shit” (or  “Rend the Heavens” for the more PG version). This devotional makes space for lament and encourages creativity born from grief. I am a little late to the game in discovering the devotional, but I will try to post reflections as inspired. Please be advised that these reflections may contain strong language.

Posts are in reverse chronological order, with the most recent at the top.

Day 1: Keeping watch, speaking out (fuck/rend)
Jesus calls us to “keep watch.” An exploration of the kingdom of God and a call to engage prophetic words and actions to help heal a world riddled with injustice.